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  • Helen Thompson

Project: Short Story Typography

Thought I should actually post some of my work on this blog, My most recent project was based on typography - the brief was to select a short story to deconstruct and creatively explore using only typography. We also had to produce a digital moving poster to typographically capture the essence of the story, using an expressive phrase to form the animated content.

I selected 'The Red Room' by H G Wells, a Victorian horror story that uses classic gothic tropes to depict a reputedly haunted room which is eventually found to be inhabited not by a malignant spirit, but fear itself (spoilers!). Through my use of type I aimed to portray fear as antagonistic and with the power to change perceptions.

Initial explorations/thumbnails:

My Final Book:

The concept is that the book comes with a magnifying glass containing red acetate so that when it is held over the pages, the words in red disappear. The remaining black words all have connotations of fear, meaning that the magnifying glass works like fear - changing your perceptions to make you see things that aren't actually there.

Final animated poster:

I had never used Aftereffects before so it took me a while to get my head around. I eventually created this short animation where the type falls to replicate the phrase that I chose.

Overall, I was pleased with how this project turned out. It involved a lot of research and experimentation which are aspects of a project that I enjoy. It has also solidified my love for typography which I hope to explore further in future projects.

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